Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In this painting there is high and low-key value range within the objects in the painting. The flower pot especially shows the low key on one side, and high key on the other. The negative space in this piece works because it shows the warmth in the objects. Also the cast shadows are very dark, but if you look closely you can see marks of cool blueish gray within the cast shadows. The most saturated areas are the flower pot and the white ceramic piece. The candle also has a high saturated light with the yellow highlight. I believe this piece has a sense of foreground middle ground and background because the pieces seem to have weight and are not just floating around in space. I think that has something to do with the way the negative space is painted as well as the objects. There is definitely a variation in brush stroke in this piece because some of the brushstrokes are very smooth to the canvas, but I also tried to scumble in some areas and lay the paint on a little more fresh and thick. In my next painting I need to work on painting fresh and clean. This painting was to the point where it was almost overworked in spots. I believe there is a sense of atmospheric space in this piece.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The third painting below is an example of a complementary painting. The complementary colors are violet and yellow, and I also used raw umber and white. I feel like the negative space shows some high and low key values, and there are some dark shadows as well, but this painting overall is a little overworked because I put to much paint on the canvas to begin with. There are some high saturation areas on the apples with the bright yellow. There is some variation in the brush strokes as they are different within the apple than in the negative space.

The second painting below is my analogous color scheme. I used red, red-violet and raw umber. I also believe this painting is a little over worked and that started by putting to much paint on the canvas in the beginning and not letting the under tones come through. The edges are a little hard and don't blend well with the negative space. The dark shadows help the apples have some depth and there are a few saturated spots of paint to help them pop.

The first painting below is my cool warm harmony involving yellow-green, yellow-orange, and orange. I believe that this painting is the best out of the three, even though it has an unfinished look. I never finished the stems on the apples, but I think it still works. I let the under tones come through in the negative space. The edges are soft and blend well with the shadows. The apples have depth and this painting is not as over worked as the rest. This was my favorite of the three.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009